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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly Passed at the Session of 1864
Volume 382, Page 68   View pdf image (33K)
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68 CONVENTION. [1864, CH. 5.


AN ACT to provide for the taking of the sense of the people
upon the call of a Convention to frame a new Constitution
and Form of Government for this State, to provide for the
election of Delegates to said Convention, and the assembling

SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That on the first Wednesday of April next, at the same places
where the polls are by law held in the several counties and the
city of Baltimore for the election of Delegates to the General
Assembly, every person entitled to vote for Delegates to the
General Assembly, shall vote upon the question of a call of a
Convention to frame a new Constitution and Form of Government,
by expressing in writing or in printed form, on the same ballot
he may cast for Delegates to said Convention, the words "For
a Convention," or "Against a Convention," as the case may be,
and in case there should be any ballots cast without the desig-
nation hereinbefore prescribed, the same shall not be counted
either for or against a Convention, but a separate return shall
be made of the same by the judges of election as aforesaid, and
that at the same election the legal voters of this State shall, by
ballot, elect Delegates to the said Convention, whose qualifica-
tions shall be the same as those now required for a seat in the
House of Delegates, and each county and the city of Baltimore
shall be entitled to elect the same number of Delegates to the
said Convention as they now have respectively in both Houses
of the General Assembly of Maryland, and it shall be the duty
of the sheriffs of the several counties and the city of Baltimore
to give notice of said election in the same manner and for the
same length of time as is now required in the election of Dele-
gates to the General Assembly of this State, and that the several
judges of election of this State shall receive, accurately count
and duly return the number of ballots so cast to the several
clerks of the Circuit Courts of this State, and to the clerk of
the Superior Court of Baltimore city, respectively, who shall,
within ten days after said election, make a due return to the


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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly Passed at the Session of 1864
Volume 382, Page 68   View pdf image (33K)
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