quaking bridge, then with the Transquaking River to its mouth;
the election for said thirteenth or Bucktown district shall be
held in the village of Bucktown at such place as the judges of
election may determine; for election district number seven, three
justices of the peace and three constables, one of which consta-
bles shall always be elected from that portion of said district
known as Town Point; for "election district number eight, two
justices of the peace and one constable; for election district num-
ber nine, two justices of the peace and one constable; for election
district number ten, two justices of the peace and one constable;
for election district number eleven, two justices of the peace and
one constable; for election district number twelve, two justices
of the peace and one constable; for election district number thir-
teen, two justices of the peace and one constable.
The Act of 1862, ch. 168, adds the following:
5. The second section of the act passed at January session,
eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, chapter two hundred and thirty-
five, entitled, An act to lay off and establish a new election dis-
trict in Dorchester county, to be called election district number
twelve, or Williamsburg district, is hereby repealed and the fol-
lowing section enacted as a substitute therefor:
6. The boundaries of said election district shall be as follows:
beginning at the bridge on the main branch of the Nanticoke
River, at Federalsburg, thence with the county road that sepa-
rates Dorchester from Caroline county, to Hunting Creek, thence
with said creek to Choptank River, thence with said river to
Blink Horn Creek, thence with said creek to its head or until it
intersects the county road leading from Cabin Creek to Hunting
Creek, thence with the Manor line to Washington Chapel, thence
with the aforesaid line and road that divides the lands of Nathan
Williams from Thomas A. Trice, Nichols Wright from Stephen
Andrews and James M. Hurlock, thence following the plain road
leading to Henry D. Wright's mill and branch, thence with said
branch to the main branch of the Nanticoke River, thence with
said river to the mouth of Miles branch, thence with said branch