be referred by the Secretary of State to such vote, and shall not become a law or take
effect until thirty days after its approval by a majority of the electors voting thereon
at the next ensuing election held throughout the State for Members of the House of
Representatives of the United States. An emergency law shall remain in force
notwithstanding such petition, but shall stand repealed thirty days after having been
rejected by a majority of the qualified electors voting thereon. No measure [creating
or abolishing any office, or] changing the salary[, term or duty] of any officer, or
granting any franchise or special privilege, or creating any vested right or interest,
shall be enacted as an emergency law. No law making any appropriation for
maintaining the State Government, or for maintaining or aiding any public
institution, not exceeding the next previous appropriation for the same purpose, shall
be subject to rejection or repeal under this Section. The increase in any such
appropriation for maintaining or aiding any public institution shall only take effect as
in the case of other laws, and such increase or any part thereof specified in the
petition, may be referred to a vote of the people upon petition.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the General Assembly
determines that the amendment to the Constitution of Maryland proposed by this Act
affects multiple jurisdictions and that the provisions of Article XIV, Section 1 of the
Constitution concerning local approval of constitutional amendments do not apply.
SECTION 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the aforegoing section
proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of Maryland shall be submitted to the
legal and qualified voters of this State at the next general election to be held in
November, 2002 for their adoption or rejection in pursuance of directions contained in
Article XIV of the Constitution of this State. At that general election, the vote on this
proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be by ballot, and upon each ballot
there shall be printed the words "For the Constitutional Amendment" and "Against
the Constitutional Amendment," as now provided by law. Immediately after the
election, all returns shall be made to the Governor of the vote for and against the
proposed amendment, as directed by Article XIV of the Constitution, and further
proceedings had in accordance with Article XIV.
Enacted May 16, 2002.
(House Bill 403)
AN ACT concerning
Montgomery County - Eminent Domain - Licensed and Certified Real Estate
MC 202-02
FOR the purpose of proposing an amendment to the Constitution to authorize the
Montgomery County Council to appoint a licensed and certified real estate
appraiser to estimate the fair market value of property situated in the county
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