[View page image to see text stricken out of bill]
ELECTION provided that nothing herein contained shall
be construed to authorize or empower the County Council of any County in this State to
enact laws or regulations for any incorporated town, village, or municipality in said
County, on any matter covered by the powers granted to said town, village, or
municipality by the Act incorporating it, or any subsequent Act or Acts amendatory
thereto. Provided, however, that the charters for the various Counties shall specify the
number of days, not to exceed forty-five, which may but need not be consecutive, that the
County Council of the Counties may sit in each year for the purpose of enacting
legislation for such Counties, and all legislation shall be enacted at the times so
designated for that purpose in the charter, and the title or a summary of all laws and
ordinances proposed shall be published once a week for two successive weeks prior to
enactment followed by publication once after enactment in at least one newspaper of
general circulation in the county, so that the taxpayers and citizens may have notice
thereof. The validity of emergency legislation shall not be affected if enacted prior to the
completion of advertising thereof. These provisions concerning publication shall not apply
to Baltimore City. All such local laws enacted by the Mayor of Baltimore and City Council
of the City of Baltimore or the Council of the Counties as hereinbefore provided, shall be
subject to the same rules of interpretation as those now applicable to the Public Local
Laws of this State, except that in case of any conflict between said local law and any
Public General Law now or hereafter enacted the Public General Law shall control.
Article XVII - Quadrennial Elections
CONSTITUTION, ELECTIONS by qualified voters for State and county officers shall be
held on the Tuesday next after the first Monday of November, in the year nineteen
hundred and twenty-six, and on the same day in every fourth year thereafter.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the General Assembly
determines that the amendment to the Constitution of Maryland proposed by this Act
affects multiple jurisdictions and that the provisions of Article XIV, Section 1 of the
Constitution concerning local approval of constitutional amendments do not apply.
SECTION 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the aforegoing section
proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of Maryland shall be submitted to the
legal and qualified voters of this State at the next general election to be held in
November, 1996 for their adoption or rejection in pursuance of directions contained in
Article XIV of the Constitution of this State. At that general election, the vote on this
proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be by ballot, and upon each ballot there
shall be printed the words "For the Constitutional Amendments" and "Against the
Constitutional Amendments," as now provided by law. Immediately after the election, all
returns shall be made to the Governor of the vote for and against the proposed
amendment, as directed by Article XIV of the Constitution, and further proceedings had
in accordance with Article XIV.
Enacted April 9, 1996.