[View page image to see text stricken out of bill]
(a) for the General Assembly as certified to the Governor in the manner hereinafter
provided; (b) for the Executive Department; (c) for the Judiciary Department, as
provided by law, AS certified [by] TO the [Comptroller] GOVERNOR; (d) to pay and
discharge the principal and interest of the debt of the State in conformity with Section
34 of Article III of the Constitution, and all laws enacted in pursuance thereof; (e) for
the salaries payable by the State and under the Constitution and laws of the State; (f)
for the establishment and maintenance throughout the State of a thorough and efficient
system of public schools in conformity with Article 8 of the Constitution and with the
laws of the State; AND (g) for such other purposes as are set forth in the Constitution
or laws of the State.
(11) [The Governor for] FOR the purpose of making up fhis] THE Budget, THE
GOVERNOR shall [have the power, and it shall be his duty, to] require from the
proper State officials[.] (including [herein] all executive departments, all executive and
administrative offices, bureaus, boards, commissions and agencies[, expending or
supervising] THAT EXPEND OR SUPERVISE the expenditure of, and all institutions
applying, for State moneys and appropriations[.]) such itemized estimates and other
information, in such form and at such times as fhe shall direct, except that an]
DIRECTED BY THE GOVERNOR. AN estimate for a program
required to be funded by a law which will be in effect during the fiscal year covered by
the Budget and which was enacted before July 1 of the fiscal year prior [thereto] TO
THAT DATE shall provide a level of funding not less than that prescribed in the law.
The estimates for the Legislative Department, certified by the presiding officer of each
House, of the Judiciary, as provided by law, certified by the [Comptroller] CHIEF
JUDGE OF THE COURT OF APPEALS, and for the public schools, as provided by
law. shall be transmitted to the Governor, in such form and at such times as fhe shall
direct] DIRECTED BY THE GOVERNOR, and shall be included in the Budget
without revision.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED. That the General Assembly
determines that the amendment to the Constitution of Maryland proposed by this Act
affects multiple jurisdictions and that the provisions of Article XIV. Section 1 of the
Constitution concerning local approval of constitutional amendments do not apply.
SECTION 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED. That the aforegoing section
proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of Maryland shall he submitted to the
legal and qualified voters of this State at the next general election to be held in
November, 1990 for their adoption or rejection in pursuance of directions contained in
Article XIV of the Constitution of this State. At that general election, the vote on this
proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be by ballot, and upon each ballot there
shall be printed the words "For the Constitutional Amendments" and "Against the
Constitutional Amendments," as now provided by law. Immediately after the election,
all returns shall be made to the Governor of the vote for and against the proposed
amendment, as directed by Article XIV of the Constitution, and further proceedings
had in accordance with Article XIV.
Chaptered April 10, 1990.