have been so engaged for at least fifteen years, and who are
not judges of any court; and one member shall represent the
public, who shall not be a judge, active or retired, and who
is not admitted to practice law in this State. The term of
office of each member shall be for four years commencing on
January 1 following the expiration of his predecessor's
term. Whenever any member of the Commission appointed from
among judges in the State ceases to be a judge, when any
member appointed from among those admitted to practice law
becomes a judge, when any member representing the public
becomes a judge or is admitted to the practice of law in
this State, or when any member ceases to be a resident of
the State, in such case the membership of this member shall
forthwith terminate. Any vacancies on the Commission shall
be filled for the unexpired term by the Governor in the same
manner as for making of appointments to the Commission and
subject to the same qualifications which were applicable to
the person causing the vacancy. No member of the Commission
shall receive any compensation for his services as such but
shall be allowed any expenses necessarily incurred in the
performance of his duties as such member.
(a) The Commission on Judicial Disabilities has the
power to investigate complaints against any judge of the
Court of Appeals, any intermediate courts of appeal, the
Circuit Courts, [the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City,] the
District Court of Maryland, OR the Orphans' Court; and to
conduct hearings concerning such complaints, administer
oaths and affirmations, issue process to compel the
attendance of witnesses and the production of evidence, and
require persons to testify and produce evidence by granting
them immunity from prosecution or from penalty or
forfeiture. The Commission has the power to issue a
reprimand and the power to recommend to the Court of Appeals
the removal, censure or other appropriate disciplining of a
judge or, in an appropriate case, retirement. All
proceedings, testimony, and evidence before the Commission
shall be confidential and privileged, except as provided by
rule of the Court of Appeals; the record and any proceeding
filed with the Court of Appeals shall lose its confidential
character, except as ordered by the Court of Appeals. No
judge shall participate as a member of the Commission in any
proceedings involving his own conduct, and the Governor
shall appoint another judge as a substitute member of the
Commission for those proceedings. The Court of Appeals shall
prescribe by rule the means to implement and enforce the
powers of the Commission and the practice and procedure
before the Commission.
Upon every occurrence or recurrence of a vacancy
through death, resignation, removal, disqualification by
reason of age or otherwise, or expiration of the term of
fifteen years of any judge of a circuit court [or of the