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Amendments to Maryland Constitutions
Volume 380, Page 636   View pdf image (33K)
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adoption or rejection.
BY proposinq an amendment to the Constitution of Maryland
Article III - legislative Department
Section 35
MARYLAND, (Three-fifths of all the nembers elected to each
of the two Houses concurring), That it be proposed that
section (s) of the Constitution of Maryland be repealed,
amended, or added to read as follows:
Article III - Legislative Department
[No extra] EXTRA compensation [shall] MAY NOT be
granted or allowed by the General Assembly to any public
Officer, Agent, Servant or Contractor, after the service
[shall have] HAS been rendered, or the contract entered
into; nor [shall] MAY the salary or compensation of any
public officer be increased or diminished during his term of
office except those whose full term of office is fixed by
law in excess of [eight] 4 years. [Provided, however, from
and] HOWEVER, after January 1, 1956, for services rendered
after that date, [that] the salary or condensation of any
appointed public officer of the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore may be increased or diminished at any time during
his term of office; except that as to officers in the
Classified City Service, when the salary of any appointed
public officer of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
[shall be so] HOWEVER, increased or decreased, it (shall]
MAY not again be increased or decreased, as the case may be,
during the term of such public officer.
aforegoing section hereby proposed as an amendment to the
Constitution of Maryland, at the next general election to be
held in this State in November, 1978, shall be submitted to
the legal and qualified voters thereof for their adoption or
rejection in pursuance of directions contained in Article
XIV of the Constitution of this State. At that general
election, the vote on this proposed amendment to the
Constitution shall be by ballot, and upon each ballot there
shall be printed the words "For the Constitutional
Amendments" and "Against the Constitutional Amendments," as
now provided by law. Immediately after the election, all
returns shall be made to the Governor of the vote for and
against the proposed amendment, as directed by Article XIV
of the Constitution, and further proceedings had in
accordance with Article XIV.
Approved May 29. 1978.

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Amendments to Maryland Constitutions
Volume 380, Page 636   View pdf image (33K)
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