provide by suitable enactnent for voting by qualified
voters of the State of Maryland who are absent at the
ti»e of any election [[from the ward or election
district]] in which they are entitled to vote and for
voting by other qualified voters who are unable to vote
personally [by reason of physical disability which shall
confine said voters to a hospital or cause them to be
confined to bed, ] and for the manner in which and the
time and place at which such absent voters pay vote, and
for the canvass and return of their votes.
aforegoinq section hereby proposed as an amendment to the
Constitution of Maryland, at the next general election to
be held in this State in November, 1974, shall be
submitted to the legal and qualified voters thereof for
their adoption or rejection in pursuance of directions
contained in Article XIV of the Constitution of this
State. At that general election, the vote on this
proposed a need merit to the Constitution shall be by
ballot, and upon each ballot there shall be printed the
vords "For the Constitutional Amendments" and "Against
the Constitutional Amendments", as now protided by law.
immediately after the election, all returns shall be made
to the Governor of the Yote for and against the proposed
amendment, as directed by Article XIV of the
Constitution, and further proceedings had in accordance
with Article XIV.
Approved May 31, 1974.