municipalityr and any and all acts performed by the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore in connection with any
powers which may be granted to the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore pursuant to this Article, are all hereby
declared to be needed, contracted for, expended or
exercised for a public use.
(d) In the event of any [[conflect]] CONFLICT
between the provisions of this Article and those of
Article XIr Section 7, of the Constitution of Maryland,
or any other provisions of said Constitution, then the
provisions of this Article shall control.
[[2. The General Assembly of Maryland may grant to
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore any and all
additional power and authority necessary or proper to
carry into full force and effect any and all of the
specific powers which the General Assembly is authorized
to grant to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
pursuant to this Article, and to fully accomplish any and
all of the purposes and objects contemplated by the
provisions of this Article, provided such additional
power or authority is not inconsistent with the terms and
provisions of this Article or with any other provision or
provisions of the Constitution of Maryland, except as
provided in this Article. The General Assembly may place
such other and further restrictions or limitations on the
exercise of any of the powers which it may grant to the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore under the provisions
of this Article as it may deem proper and expedient.]]
aforegoing section hereby proposed as an amendment to the
Constitution of Maryland, at the next general election to
be held in this State in November, 1974, shall be
submitted to the legal and gualified voters thereof for
their adoption or rejection in pursuance of directions
contained in Article XIV of the Constitution of this
State. At that general election, the vote on this
proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be by
ballot, and upon each ballot there shall be printed the
words "For the Constitutional Amendments11 and "Against
the Constitutional Amendments," as now provided by law.
Immediately after the election, all returns shall be made
to the Governor of the vote for and against the proposed
amendment, as directed by Article XIV of the
Constitution, and further proceedings had in accordance
with Article XIV.
Approved April 9, 1974.