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of certain property in Baltimore City, and to provide for the
submission of said amendment to the qualified voters of the State
of Maryland for adoption or rejection.
SECTION 1. Be i\ enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
(three-fifths of all *the members elected to each of the two Houses
concurring), That the following Article to follow immediately after
Article XI-F and to be known as Article XI-G, AND TO BE EN-
IMPROVEMENT LOANS," be and the same is hereby proposed as
an amendment to the Constitution of Maryland, which Article, if
adopted by the qualified voters of the State of Maryland, as herein
provided, shall thereby, by such adoption, be and become a part of
the Constitution of Maryland.
City of Baltimore—Rehabilitation and Improvement Loans
1. The General Assembly of Maryland, by public local
law, may authorize the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore:
(a) To make or contract to make financial loans to the owners
of buildings or structures located within the boundaries of Balti-
more City, which are used or occupied for residential purposes, for
or in connection with rehabilitating or improving said buildings or
(b) To guarantee or insure financial loans made by third parties
to the owners of buildings or structures located within the boundary
lines of Baltimore Cityf which are used or occupied for residential
purposes, for or in connection with rehabilitating or improving said
buildings or structures.
(c) Any and all financial loans made by the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore; any and all guarantees or insurance commit-
ments made by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore in con-
nection with any of said loans; and any and all money used or ex-
pended by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore in connection
with said loans, guarantees, or insurance commitments, pursuant
to the power and authority hereinabove vested in the municipality,
and any and all acts performed by the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore in connection ivith any powers which may be granted
to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore pursuant to this
Article, are all hereby declared to be needed, contracted for, ex-
pended or exercised for a public use.
(d) In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this
Article and those of Article XI, Section 7, of the Constitution of
Maryland, or any other provisions of said Constitution, then the
provisions of this Article shall control.
Seer 2. The General Assembly of Maryland may grant to the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore any and all additional power and
authority necessary or proper to carry into full force and effect any
and all of the specific powers which the General Assembly is author-
ized to grant to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore pursuant
to this Article, and to fully accomplish any and all of the purposes
and objects contemplated by the provisions of this Article, provided