(Senate Bill 73)
AN ACT to propose amendments to the following sections of the
Constitution of Maryland: Sections 1, 2, 3, 15, 16, 18, and 33 of
Article IV, title "Judiciary Department", subtitles respectively
"Part I—General Provisions", "Part IT—Court of Appeals", and
"Part IV—Courts of Baltimore City", to change the subtitle "Part
II—Court of Appeals", to be "Part II—Courts of Appeal"; Sec-
tions 3 and 6 of Article V, title "Attorney General and State's
Attorneys"; and Section 1 of Article XVII, title "Quadrennial
Elections"; and to amend said Article IV of the Constitution, sub-
title "Part II—Courts of Appeal", by adding new Sections 14A
and 14B thereto, to follow immediately after Section 14 thereof;
and to amend said Article IV of the Constitution, subtitle "Part
II—Courts of Appeal", by repealing Section 18A thereof and
enacting a new Section18A in lieu thereof, to stand in the place
of the Section 18A so repealed; to authorize the General Assembly
by law to create intermediate courts of appeal, to provide for the
judges, jurisdiction, powers and duties of these courts, to change
the powers of the Court of Appeals and other applicable provi-
sions of the Constitution, to correct errors therein, to provide for
the eligibility of members of the General Assembly to judgeships
on said Courts of Appeal and to provide for the submission of
these amendments to the qualified voters of the State of Maryland
for their adoption or rejection.