(Senate Bill 39)
AN ACT to propose an amendment to Section 3 of Article VI of the
Constitution of Maryland, title "Treasury Department," to permit
bonds, certificates, or other evidences of the debt of the State to be
signed by a Deputy Treasurer and countersigned by a Deputy
Comptroller and providing for the submission of this amendment
to the legally qualified voters of the State for adoption or rejection.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
(three-fifths of all the members of each of the two houses concur-
ring) ,That the following section be and it is hereby proposed as an
amendment to Section 3 of Article VI of the Constitution of Mary-
land, title "Treasury Department," the same, if adopted by the legal
and qualified voters of the State, as herein provided, to become a part
of the Constitution of Maryland and to read as follows:
The Treasurer shall receive the moneys of the State, and, until
otherwise prescribed by law, deposit them, as soon as received, to
the credit of the State, in such bank or banks as he may, from time to
time, with the approval of the Governor, select (the said bank or
banks giving security, satisfactory to the Governor, for the safe-
keeping and forthcoming, when required of said deposits), and he or
such of his deputies as may be authorized to do so by the Legislature
shall disburse the same for the purposes of the State according to law,
upon warrants drawn by the Comptroller, or his duly authorized
deputy, and on checks countersigned by the Comptroller, or his duly
authorized deputy, and not otherwise. The Treasurer or such of his
deputies as may be authorized to do so by the Legislature shall take
receipts for all moneys paid from the Treasury Department; and
receipt for moneys received by him shall be endorsed upon warrants
signed, by the Comptroller, or such deputy as may be authorized to
do so by law, without which warrants, so signed, no acknowledgment
of money received into the Treasury shall be valid; and upon war-
rants issued by the Comptroller, or his duly authorized deputy, the
Treasurer shall make arrangements for the payment of the interest
of the public debt, and for the purchase thereof, on account of the
sinking fund. Every bond, certificate, or other evidence of the debt
of the State shall be signed by the Treasurer [or], Chief Deputy
Treasurer, or a Deputy Treasurer, and countersigned by the Comp-
troller [or], Chief Deputy Comptroller [;], or a Deputy Comptroller;
and no new certificate or other evidence intended to replace another
shall be issued until the old one shall be delivered to the Treasurer,
and authority executed in due form for the transfer of the same
filed in his office, and the transfer accordingly made on the books
thereof, and the certificate or other evidence cancelled; but the
Legislature may make provisions for the loss of certificates, or other
evidences of the debt; and may prescribe, by law, the manner in
which the Treasurer shall receive and keep the moneys of the State.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the aforegoing section
hereby proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of Maryland
shall be, at the next general election, to be held in this State in the