[View page image to see text stricken out of bill]
and until his successor shall have qualified; and a person who has
served two consecutive popular elective terms of office as Governor
shall be ineligible to succeed himself as Governor for the term im-
mediately following the seteond of said two consecutive popular
elective terms.
The Speaker of the House of Delegates shall then open the said
Returns, in the presence of both Houses; and the person having the
highest number of votes, and being Constitutionally eligible, shall be
the Governor, and shall qualify, in the manner herein prescribed, on
the [second] fourth Wednesday of January next ensuing his election,
or as soon thereafter as may be practicable.
All civil officers [appointed] nominated by the Governor and sub-
ject to confirmation by the Senate, shall be nominated to the Senate
within [fifty] thirty days from the commencement of each regular
session of the Legislature; and their term of office, except in cases
otherwise provided for in this Constitution, shall commence on the
first Monday of May next ensuing their appointment, and continue
for two years, (unless removed from office), and until their suc-
cessors, respectively, qualify according to Law.
14. Legislative Department
The General Assembly shall meet on the [first] third Wednesday
of January, [nineteen hundred and forty-nine, and on the same day
in every second year thereafter, and on the first Wednesday in Febru-
ary, nineteen hundred and fifty,] nineteen hundred and sixty-five, and
on the same day in every [second] year thereafter, and at no other
time, unless convened by Proclamation of the Governor.
The General Assembly may continue its session so long as in its
judgment the public interest may require, for a period not longer
than [ninty days in odd years and thirty days in even years]
SEVENTY days in each year; and on and after January 1,
[1949] 1965, each member thereof shall receive a compensation of
[Eighteen] Twenty-four Hundred Dollars [($1,800.00)] ($2,400.00),
per annum, payable quarterly, with a deduction of Fifteen Dollars
($15.00) per diem for each day of unexcused absence from any
session; and he shall also receive such mileage as may be allowed by
law, not exceeding Twenty Cents per mile; and the presiding officers
of each House shall receive an additional compensation of Two Hun-
dred and Fifty Dollars ($250.00) per annum. [In any of said thirty-
day sessions in even years, the General Assembly shall consider no
bills other than (1) Bills having to do with budgetary, revenue and
financial matters of the State Government, (2) legislation dealing
with an acute emergency, and (3) legislation in the general public
welfare.] When the General Assembly shall be convened by Procla-
mation of the Governor, the session shall not continue longer than
thirty days, but [an] additional compensation other than mileage