(House Bill 53)
AN ACT to propose an amendment to Article 35 of the Declaration
of Rights of the Constitution of Maryland, title "Declaration of
Rights," and by the amendment to declare that the office of Notary
Public shall not be considered an office of profit within the meaning
of that Article, and submitting this amendment to the qualified
voters of the State for adoption or rejection.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
(Three-fifths of all members elected to each of the two Houses con-
curring), That the following section be and the same is hereby
proposed as an amendment to Article 35 of the Declaration of Rights
of the Constitution of Maryland, title "Declaration of Rights," the
same if adopted by the legal and qualified voters of the State as
herein provided, to become Article 35 of the Declaration of Rights
of the Constitution of the State of Maryland:
Article 35.
That no person shall hold, at the same time, more than one office
of profit, created by the Constitution or Laws of this State; nor shall
any person in public trust receive any present from any foreign
Prince or State, or from the United States, or any of them, without