(House Bill 10)
AN ACT to propose an amendment to Section 44 of Article
4 of the Constitution of Maryland, title "Judiciary De-
partment," providing that the Sheriff of Baltimore City
shall receive such salary as may be fixed by law, clarify-
ing the provisions of said section and removing certain
duplicating provisions therefrom.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, (Three-fifths of all members elected to each of
the two Houses concurring), That the following be and
the same is hereby proposed as an amendment to Section 44
of Article 4 of the Constitution of Maryland, title "Judici-
ary Department," the same, if adopted by the legal and
qualified voters of the State, as herein provided, to become
Section 44 of Article 4 of the Constitution of Maryland:
44. There shall be elected in each county and in Balti-
more City in the year 1946 and in every fourth year there-