(Senate Bill 225)
AX ACT to propose an amendment to Section 5 of Article 3,
title "Legislative Department", of the State Constitution,
relating to the membership of the House of Delegates and
providing for the submission of said amendment to the
qualified voters of the State for adoption or rejection.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ~by the General Assembly of Mary-
land (three-fifths of all members elected to each of the two
Houses concurring), That the following section be, and the
same is hereby proposed as an amendment to Section 5 of
Article 3, title "Legislative Department", of the Constitution
of Maryland, the same, if adopted by the legal and qualified
voters of the State, as herein provided, to become Section 5
of Article 3 of the Constitution of Maryland:
SEC. 5. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 4 of this
Article, the membership of the House of Delegates shall con-
sist of one hundred and twenty-three (123) Delegates, ap-
portioned as follows: Calvert, Caroline, Charles, Howard,
Kent, Queen Anne's, and St. Mary's Counties, two Delegates
each; Cecil, Garrett, Somerset, Talbot, and Worcester Coun-
ties, three Delegates each; Carroll, Dorchester, Harford, and
Wicomico Counties, four Delegates each; Allegany, Anne
Arundel, Baltimore, Frederick, Montgomery, Prince George's,
and Washington Counties, and each of the six legislative dis-
tricts of Baltimore City, six Delegates each.
SEC. 2. And be U further enacted, That the aforegoing sec-
tion hereby proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of
this State shall be, at the next general election to be held
in this State in the year 1950, submitted to the legal and
qualified voters thereof for their adoption or rejection in pur-
suance of directions contained in Article 14 of the Constitu-
tion of this State, and at the said general election, the vote
on the said proposed amendment shall be by ballot, and upon
each ballot there shall be printed the words "For the Con-
stitutional Amendment" and "Against the Constitutional