(Senate Bill 327)
AN ACT to propose an amendment to Section 12 of Article
V of the Constitution of the State of Maryland, title
"Attorney-General and State's Attorneys," sub-title "The
State's Attorneys," relating to the duties of the State's
Attorneys and the requirement to file a bond.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland
(three-fifths of all the members of each of the two Houses
concurring), That the following be and the same is hereby
proposed as an amendment to Section 12 of Article V of
the Constitution of the State of Maryland, title "Attorney-
General and State's Attorneys," sub-title "The State's
Attorneys," the same, if adopted by the legally qualified
voters of the State, as herein provided, to become Section
12 of Article V of the Constitution of the State of Mary-
12. The State's Attorney in each county, and the City
of Baltimore, shall have authority to collect, and give
receipt, in the name of the State, for such sums of money
as may be collected by him, and forthwith make return
of and pay over the same to the proper accounting officer.
And the State's Attorney of each county, and the City of
Baltimore, before he shall enter on the discharge of his
duties, and from time to time thereafter, shall give such
corporate surety bond as may hereafter be prescribed by
Act of the General Assembly.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That said aforegoing
Section hereby proposed as an amendment to the Consti-
tution of the State of Maryland shall, at the next general
election to be held in November, 1946, be submitted to the
legal and qualified voters of the State, for their adoption
or rejection, in pursuance of the directions contained in
Article XIV of the Constitution of the State of Maryland,
and at the said general election the vote on the said pro-
posed amendment to the Constitution shall be by ballot,
and upon each ballot there shall be printed the words "For