loans to be used in the acquisition of land in slums and
blighted areas for redevelopment and for use in the preparation
of any redevelopment plan.
(e) The Baltimore Eedevelopment Commission shall have
power to reconvey any land acquired by it, either by purchase,
lease or condemnation to any private corporations, companies,
partnerships, or persons, for redevelopment and rebuilding, at
a price consistent with the new uses which the Commission
on City Plan 'shall prescribe for such land, even though such
price may be below the original cost of acquisition. The Bal-
timore Eedevelopment Commission shall have power to
include in the terms of sale or leases of land to private cor-
porations, companies, partnerships, or persons, provisions ob-
ligating the purchasers or lessees of such land to begin the
building of improvements within a reasonable period of time;
and to include in such contracts, appropriate covenants and
restrictions to maintain standards- of population density, prop-
erty maintenance, character of the use of land, and architec-
tural standards established in the redevelopment plan and
approved by the Commission on City Plan of Baltimore City.
(f) The Baltimore Redevelopment Commission shall have
no power to pledge the credit of, or in any way bind the Mayor
City Council of Baltimore, and the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore shall not be liable in any way or manner what-
soever, for any of the obligations, contracts, or undertakings
of the Baltimore Redevelopment Commission.
SEC. 2. The General Assembly of Maryland may grant the
Baltimore Redevelopment Commission, any and all additional
powers necessary and proper to carry into effect the above
mentioned powers and purposes of said Commission, provided
such additional powers are not inconsistent with the terms
and provisions of this Article XI-B, and with any other pro-
visions of the Constitution of Maryland. The General As-
sembly may add such other and further limitations upon the
powers and the exercise of such powers of the Baltimore Re-
development Commission as it may deem proper and expedient.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the aforegoing
Article hereby proposed as an amendment to the Constitution
of Maryland, shall, at the Election to be held in November,
1944, be submitted to the legal and qualified voters of the
State of Maryland, for their adoption or rejection, in pursu-
ance of the directions contained in Article XIV of the Consti-
tution of Maryland, and at the said General Election, the vote
on the said proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be
by ballot, and upon each ballot there shall be printed the