(House Bill 167)
AN ACT to propose an amendment to Section 9 of Article 5 of
the Constitution of the State of Maryland, title "Attorney-
General and State's Attorneys", relating to the salary of
State's Attorneys, and to provide for the submission of said
amendment to the qualified voters of the State of Maryland
for adoption or rejection.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land (three-fifths of all the members of each of the two Houses
concurring), That the following be and the same is hereby
proposed as an amendment to Section 9 of Article 5 of the
Constitution of the State of Maryland, title "Attorney-General
and State's Attorneys", the same, if adopted by the legally
qualified voters of the State, as herein provided, to become
Section 9 of Article 5 of the Constitution of the State of Mary-
9. The State's Attorney shall perform such duties and re-
ceive such salary as shall be prescribed by law; and if any
State's Attorney shall receive any other fee or reward than such
as is or may be allowed by law, he shall, on conviction thereof,
be removed from office; provided, that the State's Attorney for
Baltimore City shall have the power to appoint a Deputy and
such other Assistants as the Supreme Bench of Batimore City
may authorize or approve and until otherwise provided by the
General Assembly, the said State's Attorney, Deputy and Asist-
ants shall receive the following annual salaries: State's At-
torney, seven thousand five hundred dollars; Deputy State's
Attorney, five thousand dollars; Assistant State's Attorneys,
four thousand dollars each; said salaries, or such salaries as
the General Assembly may subsequently provide, and such
expenses for conducting the office of the State's Attorney as
the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City may authorize or approve
shall be paid by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to
the extent that the total of them exceeds the fees of his office,
or as the General Assembly shall otherwise provide, and the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore shall not be liable for
appearance fees to the State's Attorney.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That said aforegoing sec-
tion hereby proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of
the State of Maryland shall, at the next general election to be
held in November, 1944, be submitted to the legal and qualified
voters of the State, for their adoption or rejection, in pursuance
of the directions contained in Article 14 of the Constitution