(Senate Bill 406)
AN ACT to propose an amendment to Article III of the
Constitution of the State of Maryland, adding thereto
one new section, to be numbered 35A and to follow
immediately after Section 35 of said Article, providing
that nothing in the Constitution shall exempt the salary
or compensation of any judge or other public officer from
the imposition of a non-discriminatory tax upon income
and providing for submission of said amendment to the
qualified voters of the State for adoption or rejection.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland (three-fifths of all the members of each of the
two Houses concurring), That the following new section,
to be numbered Section 35A, to follow immediately after
Section 35 of Article III, be and the same is hereby pro-
posed as an amendment to Article III of the Constitution of
Maryland, the same if adopted by the legal and qualified
voters of the State as herein provided to become a part of
Article III of said Constitution, to be numbered as afore-
35A. Nothing in this Constitution shall exempt the sal-
ary or compensation of any judge or other public officer
from the imposition by the General Assembly of a non-
discriminatory tax upon income.