(House Bill 22)
AN ACT to propose an amendment to Article IV of the
Constitution of the State of Maryland, adding thereto
two new sections, to be numbered 41-A and 41-B under
a new sub-title "Part V-A—People's Courts", and to
follow immediately after section 41 of said Article, pro-
viding for the establishment of People's Courts; and to
provide for the submission of said amendment to the
qualified voters of the State for adoption or rejection.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland (three-fifths of all the members of each of the
two Houses concurring), That the following two new sec-
tions to be numbered 41-A and 41-B under the new sub-
title "Part V-A—People's Courts", and to follow imme-
diately after section 41 of said Article, be and the same
are hereby proposed as an amendment to Article IV of
the Constitution of the State of Maryland, the same, if
adopted by the legal and qualified voters of the State as
herein provided, to become a part of said Article IV of
said Constitution and to be numbered and sub-titled as
41-A. There is hereby created a People's Court of Bal-
timore City. Said Court shall consist originally of a Chief
Judge and two Associate Judges; the number of such
Judges may thereafter be increased or decreased by the
General Assembly by law but no such decrease shall affect
the term of any Judge then in office or his right to stand
for election for further terms as hereinafter provided.
The Judges of said Court shall have the qualifications pre-
scribed by Section 2 of this Article and shall have prac-
ticed law in the City of Baltimore for a total period of at
least five years; shall hold office subject to the provisions
of Sections 3 and 4 of this Article with regard to retire-
ment and removal from office; and shall receive from the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore City such compen-
sation as shall be fixed by law by the General Assembly,
which shall not be diminished during continuance in office.
The Governor shall appoint to said Court, to take office
on the first Monday of May, 1941, one Associate Judge
for a term expiring December 31, 1942, one Associate
Judge for a term expiring December 31, 1944, and a Chief
Judge for a term expiring December 31, 1946; and, upon