(Senate Bill 6)
AN ACT to propose an amendment to Section 17 of Article
4 of the Constitution of the State of Maryland, title
"Judiciary Department," sub-title "Part 2—Court of
Appeals," providing for appointment by the Court of
Appeals of the Clerk of said Court, and providing for
the submission of said amendment to the qualified voters
of the State of Maryland for adoption or rejection.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, (three-fifths of all the members of each of the
two Houses concurring), That the following be and the
same is hereby proposed as an amendment to Section 17
of Article 4 of the Constitution of the State of Maryland,
title "Judiciary Department," sub-title "Part 2—Court of
Appeals," the same if adopted by the legally qualified voters
of the State, as herein provided, to become Section 17 of
Article 4 of the Constitution of the State of Maryland.
17. There shall be a Clerk of the Court of Appeals, who,
after the expiration of the current term of the present
incumbent, shall be appointed by and shall hold his office
at the pleasure of said Court of Appeals.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted by the authority
aforesaid, That said aforegoing section, hereby proposed
as an amendment to the Constitution of this State, shall
be, at the next general election to be held in this State in
the year 1940, submitted to the legal and qualified voters