AN ACT to amend Section 21 of Article 4, title "Judiciary
Department", sub-title "Part III—Circuit Courts", of the
Constitution of this State, to provide an additional judge in
the Second Circuit and to provide for the submission of said
amendment to the qualified voters of this State for adoption
or rejection.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted "by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, (three-fifths of all the members elected to each of the
two Houses concurring) That the following section be and the
same is hereby proposed as an amendment to Section 21 of
Article 4, title "Judiciary Department", sub-title "Part III—
Circuit Courts", of the Constitution of the State, and if
adopted by the legal and qualified voters thereof as herein pro-
vided, it shall supersede and stand in the place and stead of
Section 21 of said Article 4.
21. For each of the said circuits, excepting the eighth, the
second, the third and the sixth, there shall be a chief judge
and two associate judges, to be styled judges of the Circuit
Court, to be selected or appointed as herein provided, and