AN ACT to propose an amendment to the Constitution of the
State of Maryland by adding thereto a new Article to be
numbered "Article XVII," entitled "Quadrennial Elec-
tions," the same providing that all State officers, except
judges, and all county officers elected by qualified voters shall
be elected in every fourth year for terms of four years; and
adjusting terms of State and county appointive officers; and
providing that all provisions of the Constitution inconsistent
with the provisions of this Article be repealed to the extent
of such inconsistency; and providing for the submission of
said amendment to the qualified voters of the State for adop-
tion or rejection
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, three-fifths of all the members of the two Houses con-
curring, That the following new Article to be numbered "Arti-
cle XVII," title "Quadrennial Elections," be and the same is
/ hereby proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the
State of Maryland. The same if adopted by the legally quali-
fied voters of the State, as herein provided, to become a Dart of
said Constitution, and to be numbered and titled as aforesaid.
Quadrennial Elections.
Section 1. All State officers elected by qualified voters (ex-
cept judges of the Circuit Courts of the several circuits, the
member of the Court of Appeals from Baltimore City, and
members of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City), and all
county officers elected by qualified voters, shall hold office for
terms of four years, and until their successors shall qualify.
Section 2. Elections by qualified voters for State and coun-
ty officers shall be held on the Tuesday next after the first Mon-
day of November, in the year nineteen hundred and twenty-
six, and on the same day in every fourth year thereafter.
Section 3. Members of the House of Delegates and all other
State and county officers elected by the qualified voters at the
election to be held on the Tuesday next after the first Monday
of November, in the year nineteen hundred and twenty-three
for terms of office heretofore fixed by law at two years, shall
hold office for terms of three years; the Governor, Attorney
General, members of the State Senate and all other State and