time and place at which such absent voters may vote, and for
the canvass and return of their votes.
SEC. 2. And be U further enacted by the authority afore-
said, That said aforegoing section, hereby proposed as an
amendment to the Constitution, shall be at the next general
election for Members of Congress held in this State submitted
to the legal and qualified voters of the State for adoption
or rejection, in pursuance of the directions contained in Arti-
cle XIV of the Constitution of this State, and at the said
general election the vote on the said proposed amendment to
the Constitution shall be by ballot, and upon each ballot there
shall be printed the words "For the Constitutional Amend-
ment" and "Against the Constitutional Amendment," as now
provided by law, and immediately after said election due re-
turns shall be made to the Governor of the vote for and against
said proposed amendment, as directed by said Fourteenth Ar-
ticle of the Constitution, and further proceedings had in ac-
cordance with said Article Fourteen.
Approved March 22nd, 1918.