AN ACT to amend the Constitution of Maryland by adding
thereto a new Article to be entitled " Article XVI,'' providing
for 'The Referendum," and to provide for the submission of
said amendment to the qualified voters of the State for adop-
tion or rejection.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
- land, That three-fifths of all the members elected to each of
the two Houses concurring, that the following new and addi-
tional Article, to be known as Article XVI, title "The Refer-
endum, " be, and the same is hereby proposed as an amendment
to the Constitution of Maryland, and if adopted by the legal
and qualified Voters thereof, as herein provided, it shall stand
as part and as a new and additional Article of said Constitu-
tion, to be known and entitled as aforesaid.