AN ACT to propose an amendment to the Constitution of this
State by adding a new Article thereto to follow immediately
after Article XI and to be known as Article XI-A, and to pro-
vide for the submission of said amendment to the qualified
voters of this State for adoption or rejection.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, (Three-fifths of all members of each of the two Houses
concurring), That the following Article to follow immediately
after Article XI and to be known as Article XI-A be and the
same is hereby proposed as an amendment to the Constitution
of this State, which Article, if adopted by the qualified voters
of this State as herein provided, shall thereby by such adop-
tion be and become a part of the Constitution of this State.
SECTION 1. On demand of the Mayor of Baltimore and
City Council of the City of Baltimore, or on petition bear-
ing the signatures of not less than 20% of the registered voters
of said City or any County (Provided, however, that in any case
10,000 signatures shall be sufficient to complete a petition), the
Board of Election Supervisors of said City or County shall pro-
vide at the next general or congressional election, occurring after
such demand or the filing of such petition, for the election of a
charter board of eleven registered voters of said City or five
registered voters in any such Counties. Nominations for mem-
bers for said charter board may be made not less than forty
days prior to said election by the Mayor of Baltimore and City
Council of the City of Baltimore or the County -Commis-
sioners of such County, or not less than twenty days prior to said
election by petition bearing the signatures written in their own
handwriting (and not by their mark) of not less than 5% of the
registered voters of the said City of Baltimore or said
County; provided, that in any case Two thousand signatures of
registered voters shall be sufficient to complete any such nomi-
nating petition, and if not more than eleven registered voters of