AN ACT to amend section 3of Article 5 of the Constitution of
this State, and to provide for the submission of said amend-
ment to the qualified voters of this State for adoption or
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, three-fifth of all the members elected to each of the houses
concurring, That the following section be and the same is hereby
proposed as an amendment to Article 5 of the Constitution of
this State, and if adopted by the legal and qualified voters
thereof, as herein and by law provided, it shall supersede and
stand in the place and stead of section 3 of said article.
SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the Attorney-General to
prosecute and defend on the part of .the State all cases, which
at the time of his appointment and qualification and which
thereafter may be depending in the Court of Appeals, or in the
Supreme Court of the United States, by or against the State,
or wherein the State may be interested; and he shall give his
opinion in writing whenever required by the General Assembly
or either branch thereof, the Governor, the Comptroller of
the Treasury, or any State's Attorney, on any legal matter or
subject depending before them or either of them; and when
required by the Governor or General Assembly he shall aid any
State's Attorney in prosecuting any suit or action brought by the
State in any Court of the State, and he shall commence and
prosecute or defend any suit or action in any of said Courts,
on the part of the State, which the General Assembly or the
Governor, acting according to law, shall direct to be commenced,
prosecuted or defended, and he shall have and perform such
other duties and shall appoint such number of deputies' or
assistants as the General Assembly may from time to time by
law prescribe; and he shall receive for his services an annual