AN ACT to amend section 9 of Article 5, title "Attorney-General
and State's Attorneys" of the Constitution of this State, and
to provide for the submission of said amendment to the quali-
fied voters of this State for adoption or rejection.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land (three-fifths of all members of each of the two houses con-
curring), That the following section be and the same is hereby
proposed as an amendment to section 9 of Article 5, title "Attor-
ney-General and State's Attorneys," of the Constitution of
this State, and if adopted by the legal qualified voters thereof,
as herein provided, said section shall supersede and stand in
the place and in stead of section 9 of said Article 5 of the
Constitution of Maryland.
9. The State's Attorney shall perform such duties and
receive such fees and commissions or salary, not exceeding three
thousand dollars, as are now or may hereafter be prescribed by
law; and if any State's Attorney shall receive any other fee or
reward than such as is or may be allowed by law, he shall, on
conviction thereof, be removed from office; provided, that the
State's Attorney for Baltimore City shall receive an annual
salary of fifty-four hundred dollars, and shall have power to
appoint one deputy at an annual salary not exceeding four thou-