AN ACT to amend section 3 of Article 1, title "Elective Fran-
chise," of the Constitution of this State, so as to permit the
General Assembly to excuse the vote seller from any penalty
for selling his vote and place the penalty for the purchase of
votes upon his vote and place the penalty for the purchase of
votes upon the vote buyer alone, and to provide for the sub-
mission of said amendment to the qualified voters of this
State for adoption or rejection.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land (three-fifths of all the members of each of the two houses
concurring), That the following section be and the same is
hereby proposed as an amendment to section 3 of Article 1, title
"Elective Franchise," of the Constitution of this State, and if
adopted by the legal and qualified voters thereof as herein pro-
vided, said section shall supersede and stand in the place and
in stead of section 3 of said Article 1 of the Constitution of
SEC. 3. If any person shall give, or offer to give, directly
or indirectly, any bribe, present or reward, or any promise, or
any security,'for the payment or delivery of money, or any other
thing, to induce any voter to refrain from casting his vote, or to
prevent him in any way from voting, or to procure a vote for
any candidate or person proposed, or voted for as the elector
of President, and Vice-President of the United States, or Rep-
resentative in Congress or for any office of profit or trust, cre-
ated by the Constitution ,or Laws of this State, or by the Ordi-
nances, or Authority of the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more, the person giving, or offering to give and the person
receiving the same, and any person who gives or causes to be
given, an illegal vote, knowing it to be such, at any election to
be hereafter held in this State, shall, on conviction in a Court
of Law, in addition to the penalties now or hereafter to be
imposed by law, be forever disqualified to hold any office of