AN ACT to amend section fifty-one, of article three, of the con-
stitution of this State.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
(Three-fifths of all the members of the two houses concurring,)
that the following section be and the same is hereby proposed, as
an amendment to the constitution of this State, and if adopted by
the legal and qualified voters thereof as herein provided, it shall
supersede and stand in the place and stead of section fifty-one, of
article three, of the constitution of this State.
SEC. 51. The personal property of residents of this State shall
be subject to taxation in the county or city where the resident
bona fide resides for the greater part of the year for which the tax
may or shall be levied, and not elsewhere except goods and chattels
permanently located, which shall be taxed in the city or county
where they are so located, but the general assembly may by law
provide for the taxation of mortgages upon property in this State
and the debts secured thereby in the county or city where such
property is situated.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid,
That the said foregoing section hereby proposed as an amendment
to the constitution shall be, at the next general election held in
this State, submitted to the legal and qualified voters thereof for
their adoption or rejection, in pursuance of the directions con-
tained in article fourteen, of the constitution of this State; and
at the said general election the vote on said proposed amendment
to the constitution shall be by ballot, and upon each ballot there
shall be written or printed the words, "For the constitutional
amendment," or "Against the constitutional amendment," as the
voter shall elect, and immediately after said election, due return
shall be made to the governor of the vote for and against said
proposed amendment as directed by the said fourteenth article of
the constitution.
Approved April 8, 1890.