1939, ch. 331, sec. 5.
5. The Board of Trustees shall meet and organize, and shall have the
power and authority from time to time to elect such officers of the Board
as may be required, and to prescribe the tenure and duties of such officers.
The Board shall also have power to pass such by-laws and regulations not
in conflict with the Constitution and laws of the State as may, in its opinion,
be required for the orderly conduct of the business of the college. The by-
laws may provide 'for the appointment of an Executive Committee from
the membership of the Board, which Committee shall exercise the powers of
the Board in the interval between the meetings thereof. The Board shall
have the care, control and management of all the property and monies of
the college, and shall keep a correct record of the minutes of every meeting,
and of all acts, done by them in pursuance of their duties, and a complete
record of all monies received and disbursed. The Board shall make a writ-
ten report to the General Assembly of Maryland at the beginning of its
next regular session of the condition of the college property, of the receipts
and expenditures of money, and of the educational and other work per-
formed. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum f or the transact
tion of business.
1939, ch. 331, sec. 6.
6. The Board of Trustees shall establish the positions and fix the
salaries and emoluments of the executive head of the college and of the
heads of departments, officers, teachers, instructors and other officers and
employees. The administrative and teaching staffs of Morgan College
shall, upon the transfer, become the administrative and teaching staffs of
Morgan State College for the ensuing year, subject to such changes as the
Board may find it necessary to make for good cause shown; and thereafter,
appointments to said staffs shall be made as provided in Section 8 of this
1939, ch. 331, sec. 7.
7. The executive head of the college shall be elected by the Board of
Trustees. He may attend all meetings of the Board. By and with his ad-
vice, the Board shall determine and regulate the courses of instruction in
the college, but no instruction, sectarian in religion or partisan in politics,
shall be permitted in any department. The Board may confer such ap-
propriate degrees as it may determine.
1939, ch. 331, sec. 8.
8. The executive head of the college shall have authority, subject to
the approval of the Board, to give general direction to the work of the
institution in all of its departments. He shall have power to appoint the
heads of departments and such other professors, teachers, instructors and
other officers and employees of the college to the positions established by the
Board of Trustees, and he shall define their duties and supervise the per-
formance thereof. The Board of Trustees shall have power to remove from
office any of said persons when, in the judgment of the Board, the good of
the college requires it.
1939, ch. 331, sec. 9.
9. All persons holding degrees from Morgan College shall be classed
as alumni of the State Institution, and the general and local alumni asso-.