required to be examined and inquired into, and to cause the said testimony
to be reduced to writing; and when, in his judgment, such examination
discloses that the fire or attempt to cause a fire was of incendiary origin,
the commissioner or said special deputy may arrest the supposed incendiary
or cause him to be arrested and charged with the erime; and shall transmit
a copy of the testimony so taken to the state's attorney for the county or
city wherein said fire or attempt to cause a fire occurred; and upon the
request of the owner or insurer of any property destroyed or injured by fire,
or in which an attempt to cause a fire may have occurred, the said commis-
sioner or special deputy shall make a written report to the person requesting
the same, of the result of the examination made by him regarding said
property. The commissioner shall annually report to the governor the
results of all examinations made by him and his said deputy.
When insurer of one of defendants in automobile collision case may be made a
third-party defendant at instance of one of other defendants. Tullgren v. Jasper, 27 F.
Supp. 413.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 56. 1922, ch. 492, sec. 55. 1927, ch. 394, sec. 56.
70. (Special Deputy for Investigation of Fires.) That in order to
carry out and perform the powers and duties conferred by Section 69, the
commissioner is authorized to appoint and remove at pleasure an additional
deputy, at such compensation as fixed and provided by the budget, and
such additional assistants as the said Commissioner may deem necessary,
at such compensation as fixed and provided by the budget.
See art. 48, sec. 165, et seq.
1935, ch. 470, see. 56A.
71. In addition to the powers conferred by Sections 69, 70, 79, 80 and
81 of this Article, the Insurance Commissioner is authorized and em-
powered :
(a) To make and promulgate uniform regulations for the keeping, stor-
ing, use, manufacture, sale, handling, transportation or other disposition
of highly inflammable materials, rubbish, gun powder, dynamite, crude
petroleum or any of its products, explosive or flammable fluids or com-
pounds, tablets, torpedoes or any explosive of a like nature, or any other
explosives, including fireworks and fire crackers, and may prescribe the
materials and construction of receptacles and buildings to be used for any
of the said purposes.
(b) To deputize members of any volunteer fire department duly organ-
ized and operating in this State, or other suitable persons, to act as his
deputies for the purpose of making such inspections and investigations and
carrying out such orders as may be prescribed by him, to enforce and,
make effective the provisions of this sub-title, and of any and all regula-
tions promulgated by him under authority thereof.
1935, ch. 470, sec. 56B.
72. Whenever the Insurance Commissioner may determine that any
building or structure constitutes a fire hazard by reason of want of repair,
age or dilapidated or abandoned condition, or otherwise, and is so situated
as to endanger other buildings and property; or whenever he may find in
any building or upon any premises any combustible, flammable or explo-
sive substance or material, or other conditions dangerous to the safety of
persons occupying said building or premises and adjacent premises or prop-