2120 ARTICLE 48A
requiring the said company or corporation to show cause, within such time
as the said judge may deem proper, why a decree of forfeiture should not
be passed as prayed in said petition; a copy of which rule and the petition
shall be served on the president, manager, secretary, or some other officer of
the said company or corporation, by a day to be therein limited, not exceed-
ing twenty days, as other processes against such companies or corporations
are directed to be served; and further proceedings shall be had in said
cause in conformity with the provisions of article 23 with reference to
proceeding to vacate the charter of corporations of the state.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 53. 1922, ch. 492, sec. 53.
67. (Penalties.) Any person or company violating any provision of any
section of this article for which no specific penalty is therein provided, shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine not less
than one hundred dollars or more than one thousand dollars for each and
every such offense. Any person making any willfully false statement in
any annual statement, report or other written document required by any
section of this article to be filed with the commissioner under oath, or
while under' oath administered by the commissioner, deputy commissioner
or examiner which they are authorized by this article to administer, at any
investigation or hearing conducted by said commissioner, deputy commis-
sioner or examiner, which they are authorized to conduct, shall be deemed
to be guilty of perjury and shall be proceeded against and punished as pro-
vided by the statutes of this state in relation to the crime of perjury.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 54. 1924, ch. 204.
68. Wo liability insurance policy issued in this State shall contain any
requirement for the payment of liability or loss under the policy, by the
assured, but all such policies shall provide in substance that the bankruptcy
or insolvency of the assured shall not release the insurer from liability;
that if an execution upon any final judgment against the assured is re-
turned unsatisfied, in whole or in part, in an action brought by the injured
or by another person claiming by, through, or under the injured, then an
action may be maintained by the injured, or by such other person against
the company under the terms of the policy for the amount of any judgment
recovered in such action, not exceeding the amount of the policy, and every
such policy shall be construed to so provide, anything in such policy to the
contrary notwithstanding.
Cited in Tullgren v. Jasper, et al. (Judge Chesnut, U. S. Dist. Ct. of Md.), Daily
Record, May 10, 1939.
Fire Investigation Bureau.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 55. 1922, ch. 492, sec. 54.
69. (Investigation of Fires.) It shall be the duty of the commissioner,
or of the special deputy appointed by him for that purpose and under his
direction, to examine into the causes, circumstances and origin of all fires
and suspected attempts to set fire to any building occurring within the state
to which his attention may be called, and which in his judgment, require
examination; and in making said examinations the commissioner or his said
special deputy may, when in his judgment said proceedings are necessary,
take the testimony on oath of all persons supposed to be cognizant of any
facts, or to have the means of knowledge in relation to the matter herein