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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1939
Volume 379, Page 2112   View pdf image (33K)
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2112 ARTICLE 48A

1935, ch. 184.

48. It shall be unlawful for any person, co-partnership, association,
or corporation to publish or print in any newspaper, magazine, periodical,
circular letter, pamphlet, or in any other manner, or to publish by radio
broadcasting in this State, any advertisement or other notice, either di-
rectly or indirectly setting forth the advantages of or soliciting business

for any insurance company which has not been authorized to do business
in this State. No person, co-partnership, association or corporation shall
accept for publication or printing in any newspaper, magazine or other
periodical, or for radio broadcasting, in this State, any advertisement or
other notice, either directly or indirectly setting forth the advantages of
or soliciting business for any insurance company, unless such person, co-
partnership, association or corporation shall hold an unexpired certificate
from the Insurance Department, or such radio broadcasting includes a
statement that the broadcasting station holds such certificate to the effect
that the insurance company named therein is authorized to do business in
this State for the current license year. Such certificates shall be issued
by the Insurance Department without cost to any person applying therefor.
Any person, co-partnership, association or corporation violating any of the
provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con-
viction thereof shall be sentenced to a fine of not less than two hundred
dollars, nor more than five hundred dollars, for every such violation.

An. Code, 1924, sec. 48. 1922, ch. 492, sec. 48.

49. (Consolidation of Companies.) Any two corporations, one of
which is created and existing under the laws of this state, and one of which
is created and existing under the laws of any other state or territory of the
United States, and each of which is organized for the purpose of under-
taking the following classes of insurance: (1) Accident and health in-
surance; (2) insurance against loss or damage by reason of injuries to
employee, or other persons, for which the insured is liable, and loss or
damage to property caused by horses or vehicles for which the insured is
liable; (3) fidelity and surety insurance and bonding; (4) burglary and
theft insurance; (5) plate glass insurance; (6) .steam boiler, flywheel
and machinery insurance, including the liability of the insured for dam-
age to persons or property of others; (7) loss or damage to automobiles
(except by fire or when being transported in any conveyance by land
or water) and legal liability for damage to property caused thereby;
(8) sprinkler leakage insurance; or any two or more of said classes of in-
surance may merge or consolidate such corporations into one corporation
in the name of one or more corporations. The corporations may enter into
and make an agreement for such merger or consolidation under their re-
spective corporate seals, prescribing its terms and conditions, the amount
of its capital, which shall not exceed in amount the aggregate amount of
capital of the merged or consolidated corporations, and the number of
shares into which it is to be divided. Such agreement must be assented to
by a vote of the majority of the number of directors of each corporation
prescribed in its charter, and must be approved by the votes of stock-
holders owning at least two-thirds of the stock of each corporation repre-
sented to vote upon in person or by proxy at a meeting called specially for
that purpose upon a notice stating the time, place and object of the meet-
ing served at least thirty days previously upon each personally or mailed


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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1939
Volume 379, Page 2112   View pdf image (33K)
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