33. Six bureaus to be established.
70. Physicians to vaccinate children pre-
34. Bureau of communicable diseases.
sented for vaccination; penalty for
35. Bureau of bacteriology.
36. Standards for laboratories.
71. Wilful use of defective virus; penalty.
37. Bureau of chemistry. '
72. Parents must have their children vac-
38. Bureau of sanitary engineering.
cinated; penalty.
39. Bureau of vital statistics.
73. Vaccination of pupils in public
40. Bureau of child hygiene.
schools, regulations therefor; com-
41. Chiefs and assistants for each bureau.
pensation to physician; penalty.
42. How State board and secretary known.
74. Fines, how recovered.
43-44. Crippled children; federal funds.
75. Duty to reproduce true vaccine virus
45. County commissioners shall constitute
for use of physicians; annual report
local boards of health.
to governor.
46. County health officers.
47. Town or city health boards.
Infectious Diseases.
48. Local board of health, meetings; rules
and regulations; report on sanitary
conditions; fees; Montgomery
76. Report of existence of or death from
any contagious disease in any house-
hold must be made to board of
49. Shall investigate cess-pools, drains,
health; penalty for neglect.
77-79. Physician to give notice of, to
etc., injurious to health.
health officer; penalty; record notice
50. Shall take cognizance of nuisances.
51. County health officers; qualifications,
to school boards; steps to prevent
spread of disease.
duties, etc.
52. Shall promptly investigate and report
upon all cases of cholera, small-pox
or other infectious diseases.
80. Doubtful questions referred to State
board of health. Services free. Ap-
53. Physician may exercise powers; when.
Infectious Diseases — Small-Pox.
81. Duty of midwife or attendant in cases
of lying-in woman suffering with
54. Notice to owner of infected house to
fever; penalty for neglect.
disinfect; proceedings.
82-87. Midwives; registration; license;
55. Notice of death from infectious dis-
qualifications, etc.
88. Abnormal cases not to be attended by
56. Removal of sick with dangerous in-
fectious disease to hospital.
89. Midwives to report eye trouble.
57. Wilful spreading of such disease; pen-
90. Report births.
91. Rules and regulations; list of mid-
58. Going about of persons sick of such
diseases; penalty. :
92. Penalties; forfeiture of license.
59. Disinfection of public vehicles.
93. Abortion, procuring; forfeiture of li-
60. Renting of infected houses or rooms
without disinfection; penalty.
61. Removal of body of person who has
died from infectious disease.
62. Temporary hospitals.
94. Register of persons afflicted with tu-
63. Patients liable for expenses of.
berculosis to be kept.
95. Printed instructions, etc., to be fur-
Manufacture and/or Sale of Mattresses,
96. Regulations to protect persons from
infection; proviso.
64-66. Mattresses, beds, etc.
97-101. Hotel or boarding house keeper,
and superintendent, etc., of institu-
Vaccine Virus.
tion to report contagious diseases
to health officer; penalty. State
67-68. State board of health to furnish
board to act in case of need; state's
physicians with — record thereof.
attorney to prosecute.
69. Payment of fee for vaccination.
102. Floors of shirt factories to be sprinkled.