State Board of Health.
of birth and death. Duties of sexton
1. Members; tenure.
or persons in charge of cemetery.
2. General duties of board; sanitary in-
vestigations; nuisances; injunctions;
17. Contents of birth and death records;
still-born children or those dead at
rules and regulations.
3. State board may administer oaths,
subpoena witnesses, compel attend-
ance and production of books, etc.;
refusal to comply with order; wit-
ness fees; depositions.
4. Meetings; rules and regulations;
18. County registrars, duties of.
19. Burial permit; certificate of death;
death from infectious disease; trans-
portation of body; transit permits;
death outside of United States.
20. Disinterment permits; how and when
5. Secretary (Director) to State Board;
duties; salary; removal.
21. Birth certificates to be furnished.
22. Birth of children without physician,
6. Each county a sanitary district;
deputy state health officers.
etc.; who to give notice of; duty of
local registrar; duty of physicians,
7. Deputy state health officers ; qualifica-
undertakers, etc., as to births and
tions; term of office; removal;
office; salary; expenses.
23. Filing of records of unrecorded births.
8-9. Jurisdiction and duties of deputy
state health officers.
24. Birth and death records open to in-
spection under safeguards; duties of
10. State Board of Health may remove
county registrar; violations of law.
deputy health officers from any sani-
tary district into another; appoint-
25. Fees.
26. Certified copies evidence; fees; ex-
ment of inspectors, nurses, etc.
11. Physicians to report diseases con-
27. Penalties; duty of state registrar; sper
tracted from employment.
12. Chemist to board of health.
cial counsel.
28. Temporary operation by state board,
13. Physically handicapped children to be
visited; classification and recom-
of local registration office.
29. Physicians, midwives and undertakers
to register; copies of law; duties of
local registrars; superintendents of
State Registrar of Vital Statistics.
hospitals to make record of inmates.
30. Assistant state registrar.
14. Who to be registrar; duties.
15-16. County and local registrars of vital
statistics; oath; deputies; duties;
Miscellaneous Provisions.
term of office and conditions under
31. Importation and sale, parrots, etc.
which permit for burial or removal
32. Duty of State board of health in event
of body may be issued; certificates
of invasion of contagious disease.
As to "hospitals," see art. 44. As to "inspections," see art. 48. As to "hours of labor"
and employment of children, see art. 100.
As to diseased fruit and trees, see art. 48, sec. 80, et seq. As to accidents resulting
from an explosion of oil, etc., see art. 48, sec. 5, et seq.
As to "feeding stuffs," see art. 48, sec. 103, et seq.
Re. protection of workmen, et al., against unsafe scaffolding, see art. 48, sec. 98, et seq.
As to "health" conditions in workshops and factories, see art. 27, sec. 323, et seq.
As to provisions for safety, sanitation, health, etc., in or about coal mines, see art. 89,
sec. 162, et seq.
As to physically handicapped children, see art. 7.7, sec. 228, et seq.
As to sanitary conditions in laundries, see art. 54A,