1656 ARTICLE 39
the tributaries of the said Potomac and Wicomico Rivers within Charles
County between the aforesaid lines mentioned above.
1933, ch. 209.
37. (Charles and St. Mary's Counties.) No person except bona fide
residents of Charles and St. Mary's Counties shall, in any of the waters
thereof except the Patuxent River, take or catch eels, terrapin and turtles,
with a seine, gill net, pound net, trap net, fyke net, eel pot, or any kind
of net or device whatever for taking eels, terrapin and turtles, except hook
and line. Any person violating, any of the provisions hereof shall, upon
conviction, be fined One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or sentenced to the
House of Correction for not less than three months nor more than one
year, or both, in the discretion of the Court.
1929, ch. 471, sec. 33. 1931, chs. 378 and 541.
38. (Dorchester County.) (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to
use haul seine or seine of any description, or what is commonly called a
put-net, for the purpose of catching fish in the following waters, to wit:
Transquaking River and Chicacomico River and their tributaries, Big and
Little Black Water Rivers, White Hall Creek, Hurst's Creek, Shoal Creek
and Jenkins Creek; and in all other tributaries of the Choptank, it shall
be unlawful to haul seine between the 21st day of May and the 31st day
of July, both dates inclusive, in each year.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to keep, put or allow his
nets to catch fish in the waters of the northwest prong of the Nanticoke
River between the hours of 12 P. M. on Saturday to 12 P. M; on Sun-
day of each and every week.
(c) It shall be unlawful for any person to use patent twine weirs, or
other twine weirs, pound nets and hauling seine of greater length than
350 feet, in Fishing Bay, Honga River, Black Water River and its tribu-
taries (except Little Blackwater River), Little Choptank River and its
tributaries (except Oyster Creek or Bay) ; or to fasten or stick stakes in
that part of Blackwater River lying between a line drawn from Grog Point
to the opposite side of the river and a line drawn from Berge's Ditch to
the opposite side of the river, except in the bends of the river where stake
weirs now exist.
.(d) It shall be unlawful for any person to use gill nets in the waters of
Fishing Bay or Transquaking River north of a line drawn from Black-
water Point to Irish Creek, up the Transquaking River to Destroys Creek;
or to set nets in the aforesaid waters whose farther end shall extend more
than 300 yards from shore nor more than one-third of the breadth of the
water at the place where the net may be fished, nor closer than 200 yards
of each other in the Transquaking or Chicacomico River; or to set nets
in the waters of the Transquaking and Chicacomico Rivers above Destroys
Creek whose farther end shall extend not more than one-half the breadth of
the water at the place where the net may be fished nor closer than 200
yards of each other; provided that no net shall be placed in or across the
channels of the rivers, nor shall it be lawful in the waters of Fishing Bay
south of a line drawn from Blackwater Point to Irish Creek and north of a
line drawn from Roasting Ear Point to Duck Island Point to set any weir
more than 400 yards from shore, or to set any kind of gill nets or weirs
closer to each other than 400 yards; or to set any row of gill nets more