for schools of beauty culture. The above fees for registration, examination
and certificate shall be paid in advance to the Secretary of the Board.
1935, ch. 282, sec. 415.
429. Duration and Renewal of Certificate of Registration. The certi-
ficates of registration issued in the year in which this sub-title goes into
effect shall expire as of the year in which said licenses are issued. There-
after certificates shall be issued for no longer than one year. All certifi-
cates shall expire on the thirty-first day of December next succeeding un-
less renewed for the next year. Certificates may be renewed by applica-
tion on renewal forms to be supplied by the Board on request made prior
to the thirty-first day of December of each year, and the payment of the
renewal fees provided in this sub-title, said application to be accompanied
by an affidavit of a practicing physician on a form to be furnished by the
Board, stating that the applicant is free from any contagious and infec-
tious disease.
1935, ch. 282, sec. 416.
430. Display of Certificates. Every holder of a certificate granted by
the said Board, as provided in this sub-title, shall display it in a conspic-
uous place in his or her principal office, place of business or employment.
Demonstrators shall have same in their possession during hours of em-
ployment to be exhibited upon demand.
1935, ch. 282, sec. 417.
431. To Whom, Provisions in this Sub-title Shall Not Apply. Nothing
in this sub-title shall prohibit service in case of emergency without com-
pensation, nor service by persons authorized under the laws of this State
to practice medicine, surgery, dentistry, chiropody, osteopathy, or chiro-
practice, nor services by barbers lawfully engaged in the performance of
the usual and ordinary duties of their vocation in shops ordinarily patron-
ized by men.
Nothing contained in this sub-title shall apply to railroad companies
or to sleeping or parlor car companies, or to persons employed by such
companies on their cars.
1935, ch. 282. sec. 418.
432. Appeal From Actions of Board. An appeal may be taken from
any action of the Board relating to licenses to the several Circuit Courts
of the counties or to the common law Courts of Baltimore City, provided
said appeal shall be taken within 30 days from the date of the action of
said Board, and a copy of such appeal shall be served upon a member of
the Board, or the Secretary, otherwise the action of the Board shall be
1935, ch. 282. sec. 419.
433. Penalties, (a) Any person who shall practice or teach beauty cul-
ture, or act in any capacity wherein registration is required, without com-