A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum and no Certificate
of any. Registered Architect shall be revoked as hereinafter provided,
except upon the affirmative vote of at least three of the members of said
1935, ch. 309, sec. 393.
399. Applicants for Registration—Qualifications. All applicants for
license or registration shall be of good moral character, a citizen of the
United States of America, shall have had four years of High School
education, or its equivalent, plus three years of an Architectural office
working under an experienced Architect. There shall be four classes of
applicants for licensing or registration which are defined as follows:
(a) Class A Applicants consisting of all persons applying for examina-
tion who have been engaged in the independent professional practice of
architecture as a principal for less than ten years.
The Board shall have the power to grant an examination to the class
known as Class A Applicants provided they pass the following qualifica-
Graduates of an approved High School, or the equivalent thereof, plus
such experience in the office or offices of an architect or architects engaged
in the professional practice of architecture as a livelihood plus three years
of diversified practical experience in an office or offices of a recognized
Architect or Architects. "College" for the purpose of this provision shall
mean an educational institution maintaining a course in architecture with
standards of entrance, curricula and teaching approved by the National
Council of Architectural Registration Boards.
(b) Class B Applicants shall consist of all those persons applying for
examination who have been engaged in the rightful, independent profes-
sional practice of architecture as a principal for at least ten years.
The Board shall hold examinations for Class B Applicants, to which
shall be eligible any resident of the State who shall have had ten years
or more of proved, independent, legal practice as a principal in the pro-
fession of architecture, and who shall desire to change his status from
"registered by exemption" to "registered by examination. "
After Class A Applicants and Class B Applicants have been registered,
both shall be subject to all the provisions and conditions of this sub-title.
(c) Non-Resident Applicants. All persons applying for registration on
on the basis of examination credit secured through examinations taken in
another State or political sub-division of the United States, the District
of Columbia, or a foreign country or province, shall be granted a certifi-
cate of registration as a registered architect by the examining Board in its
discretion, upon the following conditions:
(1) That the applicant is of good moral character.
(2) That the requirements for registration or licensing of architects
in the particular state, territory, District of Columbia, foreign country or
any other political subdivision of the United States or province were at
the date of license or registration, in the opinion of the Examining Board,