the Department of Charities and Corrections shall be a Board of Charities
and Corrections composed of the President and one other of the Super-
visors of City Charities, the President and one other of the Visitors to
the City Jail, and the Mayor ex officio. The Supervisors of City Chari-
ties and the Visitors to the City Jail shall each designate their represen-
tative member. The President of the Supervisors of City Charities shall
be President of the Board of Charities and Corrections. This Board shall
be for consultation and advice, but it shall have no power to direct or con-
trol the duties or work of any sub-department under this department. It
shall perform such other duties as may be required of it by ordinances
not inconsistent with this Charter.
1898, ch. 123.
104. The Supervisors of City Charities shall be the first sub-depart-
ment of Charities and Corrections, and the head of this sub-depart-
ment shall be a board composed of nine persons, appointed by the Mayor
-as provided in Section 25 of this Charter, who shall be removable as
therein provided. Their term of office shall be for six years, three of
them to retire at the end of every two years as heretofore. The said Super-
visors shall have been citizens of Maryland for at least five years, and
residents of the City of Baltimore for at least one year prior to their
nomination. The Mayor, in the appointment of said Supervisors, shall
designate one of their number as President, and the Supervisors shall
elect a Secretary, who shall be paid a salary of one thousand five hundred
dollars per annum, payable monthly, and shall discharge such duties as
the Supervisors shall prescribe. The said Supervisors shall serve without
pay. They shall be appointed by the Mayor from among those whom he
deems, by reason of their intelligence, experience and character, to be
most capable of caring for the poor, economically, intelligently and
humanely. In the selection of said Supervisors and in their action, in
matters relating to the duties imposed upon them by law or ordinance,
ecclesiastical or party ties shall not be regarded, so that the care of the
poor may be entirely out of the field of political or religious differences and
controversies. The duty of said Supervisors shall be to determine what
sick, insane or other destitute persons are proper charges on the city, and
to provide for the proper care of such persons, in so far as money may
be appropriated for that purpose by the city. The Supervisors shall have
the power to appoint and fix the compensation of such officials and sub-
ordinate employees as they may deem necessary for the proper conduct
of the business entrusted to them, not to exceed in number of employees
or aggregate amount in compensation the limit fixed by ordinance. The
Supervisors shall report annually to the city upon all departments of
their work, including the work of those institutions with which the city
has contracted for the care of any poor persons, and they shall perform
all the duties heretofore performed by the Trustees of the Poor unless
otherwise provided in this Charter.