which the city may be endangered, and to ascertain and regulate the width
of those to be built in the city.
1802, ch. 307. P. L. L. (1888), Art. 4, sec. 148a. 1906, ch. 397. 1906, ch. 402.
1908, ch. 166.
To acquire by purchase or condemnation any land or any interest
therein which it may require for school-houses, engine-houses, court-houses,
markets, streets, bridges and their approaches, the establishment or
enlargement of parks, squares, gardens or other public places, the estab-
lishment of esplanades, boulevards, parkways, park grounds or public
reservations, around, adjacent, opposite, or in proximity or leading to any
public building or buildings, or which it may require for any other
public or municipal purpose; and also any and all land and property or
interest in land and property adjoining and extending such distance as
may be adjudged necessary from any property in use or about to be
acquired for such esplanade, boulevard, parkway, park grounds or public
reservation, as aforesaid, the use of which said adjacent property it may be
deemed necessary or beneficial to subject to lawful restrictions or control,
in order to better protect or enhance the usefulness of such public build-
ing or buildings, or in any manner to promote the interests of the public
therein, or to more fully effectuate the purposes of the establishment of
such esplanade, boulevard, parkway, park grounds or public reservations;
and to sell thereafter such adjacent lands or property, subject to such
reservations or restrictions as to the subsequent use thereof, as may appear
advisable for the protection of such public building or buildings, or for
enhancing the usefulness thereof, or in any manner to promote the inter-
ests of the public therein, or for better insuring the protection or useful-
ness of such esplanade, boulevard, parkway, park grounds or public reser-
vations, or in any manner to better accomplish the purposes and serve
the public interests for which they shall have been or shall be established.
The flavor and City Council of Baltimore may prescribe the procedure
for condemnation of any land or property situated wholly within the City
of Baltimore, which under the foregoing provisions it is authorized to
condemn, but such procedure as the said Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore may adopt shall include provision for reasonable notice to the
owner or owners, and for appeals to the Baltimore City Court by any
person interested, including the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore,
from the decision of any commissioners or other persons appointed to
value any such land or property, or interest therein. Nothing herein
contained shall be construed as depriving the city of any power of con-
demnation for any purpose already vested in it. The Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore shall have full power and authority to provide by
ordinance for ascertaining whether any and what amount of benefits will
accrue to the owner or possessor of any ground or improvements within
the City of Baltimore by reason of the establishment or enlargement of