836 ARTICLE 4.
city; provided, however, that within that part of Baltimore City actually
consumed by the great fire of February 7 and 8, 1904, it shall be unlawful
to erect upon the streets, lanes and alleys of the city, between the grade
of the sidewalks and a point ten feet above such grade, any such awning,
step, portico, bay window, bow window, show window, sign, except signs
placed against buildings and not extending more than two inches there-
from, column, pier or other projection or structural ornament of any
character, except the stone bases of pilasters for ornamental and archi-
tectural effect, not exceeding more than eight inches from the building
Mayor v. Radecke, 49 Md. 217. Garrett v. Janes, 65 Md. 260. Townsend, Grace &
Co. v. Epstein, 93 Md. 537. Bostock v. Sams, 95 Md. 400. Storck v. Mayor, &c.,
Baltimore, 101 Md. 476.
In the Storck case, above cited, the Act of 1904, ch. 616, was declared inoperative
as to that part of the city outside of the ''Burnt District." The first proviso in sec-
tion 6 of the City Charter, title ''General Powers," sub-title ''Buildings." as re-
enacted by said Act, was declared void for uncertainty, and the second proviso
thereof void as being arbitrary and unreasonable. The object of the Act of 1906,
ch. 797, was to modify the paragraph relating to buildings so as to conform to the
decision of the Court of Appeals in the Storck case.
For further cases relating to building matters, covered by the paragraph of sec-
tion 6 in relation to buildings, sec,—
Barry v. Edlavitch, 49 Md. 217. Dorsey v. Habersack, 84 Md. 117. Serio v. Mur-
phy, 99 Md. 545.
P. L. L. (1860), Art. 4, secs. 138, 139, 863. 1880, ch. 69. P. L. L. (1888), Art. 4,,
secs. 132-134,
To license and regulate all carriages and other vehicles owned or used
for the purpose of business or pleasure, and also all hackney coaches,
carriages, carts, drays, omnibuses, wagons and other vehicles, kept for
hire or hired in said city, and also to license and regulate the employ-
ment of all hackmen, draymen, wagoners, carters, porters and watermen,
plying for hire within the limits, and to pass all necessary and proper
regulations respecting the same; provided, however, that all revenue aris-
ing from said licenses shall be applied to the paving or repaving of the
public highways of the city. Every carriage, coach or other vehicle moved
by horses or other animal power, which shall be iisecl for the conveyance
of persons within" the City of Baltimore for hire or compensation, shall
be deemed a hackney carriage. To regulate the breadth of the wheels of
wagons, carts and drays to be used for hauling burdens on the streets
of said city, but such regulations shall not affect persons hauling produce
to said city.
Vansant v. Harlem Stage Co.. 59 Md. 330. State v. Rowe, 72 Md. 552. Mason v.
Cumberland, 92 Md. 451.
P. L. L. (1860), Art. 4. sec. 150. P. L. L. (1888), Art. 4. sec. 148.
To license and regulate the sweeping of chimneys and fix the rates
thereof, and to regulate the sweeping of any chimney by the neglect of