of beginning; saving and excepting therefrom the property of J. Byrnes,
located at Relay Station, which property does not bind or front upon any
public street, road or avenue, and is not intended to be included in the
provisions of this Act.
1904, ch. 465. B. Co. C. (1908), sec.332. 1916, sec. 486. 1914, ch. 465. 1920, ch. 4.
B. Co. C. (1928), sec. 573.
573. The County Commissioners of Baltimore County, in addition to
their other powers and duties under the law, shall have full charge and
control over all the county road, streets, alleys, highways and bridges and
all matters pertaining thereto, as in the succeeding sections hereof men-
Water Co. v. Balto. Co., 105 Md. 155. Roth v. Highways Com., 115 Md. 469.
1904, ch. 465. B. Co. C. (1908), sec. 333. 1914, ch. 465. B. Co. C. (1916), sec. 487.
1920, ch. 4. B. Co. C. (1928), sec. 574.
574. Said County Commissioners shall meet on Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday in each week at the office of the County Commissioners of
Baltimore County and may hold such other meetings as the proper dis-
charge of their duties may require. They shall keep a journal of pro-
ceedings in which shall be entered all their proceedings in detail, the
correctness of the same to be attested each week by the president and the
chief clerk and auditor of said Board of County Commissioners. They
shall also keep books showing in detail the expenditures of moneys in
each election district of the county on account of the roads and bridges
thereof and from what fund such expenditures were made, and by which
books the condition of the General Road and Bridge Fund and the several
district funds may be readily seen at any time, all of which said books
and records shall be open to the inspection of any taxpayer of the county.
They shall annually compile statistics relating to the public roads of Bal-
timore County send cause the same to be printed or published in one or
more of the county newspapers. All maps, plans and statistics collected
and compiled under their direction shall be preserved in their office. All
contracts, agreements, grants and licenses made or entered into by the
Commissioners shall be recorded in books kept for that purpose, which
shall always be open to the inspection of the public; the original copies
of all reports to the Commissioners and other papers not recorded shall
be preserved in the office. Copies of such contracts, agreements, grants
and licenses recorded as aforesaid and of the records of the proceedings
of said County Commissioners, when duly certified by the chief clerk and
auditor of said Commissioners shall be accepted as evidence in all the
*The following decisions relate to present or former road laws applicable to
Baltimore County: Tyson v. Balto. Co., 28 Md. 510. Balto. Co. v. State, 29 Md. 516.
Balto. Co. v. State, 44 Md. 1. Balto. Co. v. Wilson, 97 Md. 207. Consol. Gas Co. v.
Balto. Co., 98 Md. 690. Consol. Gas. Co. v. Balto. Co., 99 Md. 403. Jenkins v.
Riggs, 100 Md. 432. Riggs v. Winterode, 100 Md. 443. Painter v. Mattfeldt, 119
Md. 466. (Loan Act of 1912, ch. 345, held invalid.)