and three, and on or before such date every two years thereafter, appoint
a fit person as warden of the jail of Baltimore County, who shall take
charge of the prison and prisoners therein and have and exercise, during
his continuance in office, the same powers, and be subject to the same
penalties and forfeitures and be responsible for escapes in the same man-
ner and to the same extent as the present sheriff 'of said county and the
sheriff of the several counties now are, and shall perform such other
duties as shall be required of him by said County Commissioners.
1902, ch. 118. B. Co. C. (1908), sec. 189. 1916, sec. 297. 1928, sec. 381.
381. The said warden, before he enters upon the duties of his office,
shall take an oath before the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Baltimore
County that he will faithfully execute the duties and trusts and exercise
the powers vested in him as such warden, and shall give bond to the said
County Commissioners with a trust or bonding company as security, to
be approved of by said County Commissioners, in the penalty of three
thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties
as warden, and for the safe keeping of all such persons as shall be com-
mitted by legal authority to the jail of Baltimore County, which bond
shall be filed and recorded in said County Commissioners' office.
1902, ch. 118. B. Co. C. (1908), sec. 190. 1916, sec. 298. 1928, sec. 382.
382. All commitments of prisoners to the jail in Baltimore County
shall be directed to the warden of said jail, who shall receive the same and
safely keep them until legally released; he shall deliver prisoners to the
sheriff of the county to be conducted into court, and when sentenced to
confinement elsewhere than in the said jail of the county, the warden's
responsibility for such prisoners to cease when so delivered into the cus-
tody of the sheriff.
1902, ch. US. B. Co. C. (1908). sec. 191. 1916, sec. 299. 1928, sec. 383.
383. The said warden shall provide all needed supplies for the prison-
ers in his custody under the direction of the County Commissioners, and
abide by and observe all such rules and regulations as may be established
by the said County Commissioners concerning the jail building and the
inmates thereof, and shall admit no visitors to the prisoners except in
accordance with such rules; he shall keep a complete record of the pris-
oners committed to his custody, when and by whom committed, upon what
charge, and when released, and shall on Monday of each week report to
the County Commissioners the number of prisoners confined, with such
other information as may be required by them; he shall also keep full and
complete account of all supplies received at the jail and disbursements
made by him; the said warden and his deputy shall reside in the jail
1902, ch. 118. B. Co. C. (1908). sec. 192. 1910, ch. 546. p. 586. 1916. sec. 300.
1918, ch. 34. 1928. sec. 384.
384. The warden shall appoint a deputy warden, to be paid a compen-
sation by the County Commissioners of Baltimore County of ninety dol-