552 ARTICLE 3.
be collected by the said County Commissioners in an action of debt brought
in their name before any justice of the peace of said county, or by pro-
ceedings in equity for the enforcement of such lien, and whenever any
such Inspector of Buildings shall refuse such permit, he shall certify his
reasons therefor in writing to the County Commissioners of Baltimore
County, and the said County Commissioners shall grant or refuse such
permit by an order in writing, and from such order there shall be an
appeal by the person or persons applying for said permit to the Circuit,
Court for Baltimore County, the decision of which court shall be final in
the premises, said appeal to be taken within thirty days from the passage
of said order.
Fulker v. Co. Commrs., 156 Md. 408.
1908, ch. 300, sec. 3. B. Co. C. (1908), sec. 23. 1910, sec. 58. 1928, sec. 65.
65. The County Commissioners of Baltimore County are hereby given
full power and authority to direct in what part of the said districts build-
ings of wood shall be erected, to regulate and establish the size of bricks
and thickness of walls that are to be used in the houses to be built in said
districts or any portion therefor; to provide for the entry into and exam-
ination of all buildings, lots, yards, enclosures and cars, boats and vehicles
of every description in said districts to ascertain their condition for health,
cleanliness and safety; to provide for the taking down and removal of
buildings, walls, structures or superstructures in said districts that are
or may become dangerous, or to require owners to move-them or put them
in a safe and sound condition at their own expense; to regulate the build-
ing and maintenance of party walls, partitions, fences, parapet and fire
walls, smoke flues, fireplaces, hot-air flues, boilers, kettles, smokestacks
and stovepipes in said districts, and the storage of gasoline and other
combustibles or explosives therein; to provide for and regulate the safe
construction, inspection and repair of all private and public buildings
within said districts; to regulate, restrain or prohibit, in their discretion,
the erection of wooden or frame buildings within the present limits of
said districts or any thickly populated portion of the same and to remove
the same at the owners expense, when erected or suffered to remain con-
trary to law or such regulations as they may adopt; to regulate the height,
construction and inspection of all new buildings hereafter erected in said
districts; to regulate the limits within which it shall be lawful to erect
steps, porticoes, bay windows or other structural ornaments to houses
fronting on any of the highways, streets, avenues, lanes, or alleys of said
districts, and generally to adopt and enforce for the whole of said dis-
tricts or for thickly populated portions thereof, all necessary regulations
or rules for the foregoing purposes, and to prescribe fines and penalties
for violations thereof; provided, however, that no such rules and regula-
tions so adopted by said County Commissioners as aforesaid shall be
deemed valid or effective until the same shall have been formally adopted
by the said County Commissioners at a regular meeting, and recorded in
a book kept in their office for the purpose, and until said rules and regula-
tions shall" have been published at least three times in two of the county