5156 ARTICLE 23.
said town and to assess and tax the costs or expenses thereof, in whole
or in part, upon the respective owners of the property fronting thereon;
to enforce sanitary observances and the removal of filth and to pass all
ordinances necessary for the preservation of the town and the removal
of nuisances therefrom, and to cause the drains and water courses of the
said town to be kept open and in repair.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 23, sec. 196. 1886, ch. 509.
421. The county commissioners of each of the following counties, to
wit: Wicomico, Talbot, Caroline and Dorchester are authorized and em-
powered, in their discretion, to endorse the bonds of the Baltimore and
Eastern Shore Railroad Company to an amount not exceeding fifty
thousand dollars each; provided, that no such endorsement shall be made
until the question of such endorsement shall have been submitted to the
qualified voters of their respective counties by the commissioners thereof,
and a majority of such qualified voters shall have determined in favor
of such endorsement; and provided also, that the bonds so endorsed shall
be secured by a mortgage on the property and franchises of said Balti-
more and Eastern Shore Railroad, which said mortgage shall be second
to a mortgage of five hundred thousand dollars to the city of Baltimore,
but to no other.*
*Adopted by the people" of Wicomico, Talbot and Dorchester Counties; rejected
by the people of Caroline County.