its discretion. On final ratification of any report of a commission ap-
pointed under the provisions of this section, the Clerk of the Commis-
sioners of Willards shall at once record in a book kept for that purpose
the said return, plat and all proceedings connected therewith. And if
for any reason the person to whom damages are awarded refuse to receive
the damages assessed, or from infancy or any other cause are prevented
from receiving and receipting for same, the damages so assessed shall be
deposited in some bank of Willards paying interest on deposits, if any,
to the credit of the person entitled to such damages and thereupon the
Commissioners of Willards may proceed in the same way as if said dam-
ages had been paid to the person or persons themselves.
1927, ch. 278, sec. 17.
419. The Commissioners of Willards may provide that a violation of
the provisions of any ordinance may be a misdemeanor and punishable
by a fine and imprisonment.
1927, ch. 278, sec. 18.
420. The Commissioners of Willards may pass ordinances to regulate
the construction and repairing of buildings in Willards, and the granting
of permits therefor, specifying the material of which same shall be built;
to direct in what part of the town wooden buildings shall not be erected;
to regulate the speed of horses, wheeled vehicles, automobiles in the town
limits; to regulate and prevent the throwing of sweepings, dust, ashes,
offal, garbage, paper or other material in any street, alley or public places,
or on any vacant lot in said town; to grant and regulate franchises for
electric light and gas companies, telephone and telegraph companies; all
such franchises shall not be granted for a period of more than fifty years,
and be renewable at discretion of the Commissioners of Willards; to regu-
late the keeping of dogs in said town and provide for a tax thereon, and
for the collection of the same; to provide for the killing of dogs on which
no taxes are paid; to prevent the running at large of horses, cattle, hogs,
geese and other fowl on the streets or in the limits of said- town, and to'
regulate the keeping of same in said town; to prohibit the use of profane
language and indecent and disorderly conduct in said town; to prevent
the obstruction of its sidewalks and streets; to regulate or prevent the
firing of guns, pistols or any kind of fire arms in said town; to prevent
immoderate riding or driving through the streets of said town of any
vehicle of any character whatsoever; to prevent indecent exhibits of every
kind; to preserve order and to secure persons and property from violence,
danger or destruction; to prevent the obstruction of the streets and side-
walks of the said town by unnecessary assemblies of persons; to protect
public and private property, sidewalks, streets, and shade and ornamental
trees from inj ury and destruction; to provide for fire protection, police
protection and for lights upon the streets and highways of the said town;
to borrow money on the notes of the said town, provided that the aggre-
gate amount of any outstanding notes shall at no time exceed the sum
of Five Hundred Dollars; to provide for the paving of sidewalks in the