4988 ARTICLE 23.
1908, Ch. 437, sec. 3 (p. 748).
21. The stenographer appointed under this Act shall serve for one
year or until his successor shall be appointed by the judges aforesaid, but
shall be removable at any time at the pleasure of said judges. The stenog-
rapher so to be appointed shall be an officer of the court .and shall perform
such duties as may be imposed upon him by the judges of said court or
either of them, and shall be required to furnish typewritten or printed
copies to the attorneys of the court as the court may prescribe and direct.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 23, sec. 15. 1872, ch. 397. 1892, ch. 354.
22. At the next general election there shall be five county commission-
ers elected for Wicomico County. The Commissioners of Wicomico Coun-
ty shall have all the powers and perform such duties as are now or may
hereafter be conferred by law upon the County Commissioners in the sev-
eral counties in this State not inconsistent herewith, and in addition there-
to, shall have the entire control and management of the almshouse and
poor of said county, without the intervention of trustees of the poor, +
1922, ch. 16.
23. Each County Commissioner of Wicomico County shall receive an
annual salary of four hundred dollars, payable monthly during the term
of such County Commisisoner, or proportionate part thereof; the payment
of said salary shall be provided for in the annual levy in each and every
year, and paid in the same manner as other indebtedness of said county
is paid.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 23, sec. 16. 1872, ch. 397.
24. The said commissioners shall have power to appoint a clerk, who
shall receive an annual salary of four hundred dollars, and who, before
entering upon the discharge of his duties, shall take the oath of office
provided for by the constitution of the State, and remain in office until
the appointment and qualification of his successor.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 23, sec. 17. 1872, ch. 397.
25. He shall give bond to the State, in the penal sum of one thousand
dollars, with good and sufficient securities, for the faithful performance
of his duties; said bond shall be filed in the office of the circuit court for
said county, and a certified copy shall be sufficient evidence in a suit
against him or his sureties.
*Ch. 206, 1929, validated certain notes heretofore issued by them without sanction
of law.
+See ch. 354, 1892, for terms of Commissioners, but under Art. 17 of Md. Consti-
tution, all elective county officials are elected for four-year terms at same time as
members of General Assembly.