levy such tax upon the property within the taxable limits of said town as
may be necessary to enable them, in connection with the revenue arising
from said waterworks and water distribution system, to pay said bonds
and the interest thereon, as same becomes due and the operating expenses
and necessary repairs to said works and water distribution system, the
said taxes so collected shall be paid to the Treasurer, appointed by said
Water Board, and the amount levied for this purpose shall be in addition
to the amount now authorized by law. The moneys arising from water
rents shall be applied, first, to payment of current expenses of said water-
works and water distribution system; secondly, to payment of interest on
bonds, and thirdly, as to any balance, to provide a sinking fund for the
payment of said bonds; and whenever any bond is paid off it shall be
immediately burned and the fact noted in the registration book herein-
before required; and said Water Board is hereby directed to provide and
locate convenient hydrants and fire plugs for the protection of property
from fire.
1924, ch. 19, sec. 4.
863. The titles to said waterworks and water distribution system, with
all the land, conduits, privileges, franchise and materials thereto apper-
taining shall vest in the Burgess and Commissioners of Williamsport in
their corporate capacity.*
864. Vacant.
P. L. L., 1888, Art 22, sec. 424. 1860, Art. 21, sec. 335.
865. The county commissioners shall levy a sufficient sum, in advance,
to pay State's witnesses in said county promptly at the close of each term
of the circuit court.
1898, ch. 111.
866. Witnesses in Washington county who shall reside more than ten
miles from the place of holding the Circuit Court, shall, in addition to
the per diem allowed by law, receive eight cents for every mile exceeding
the first ten to be allowed in going to Court; but no witness shall be
allowed mileage for more than once going to said Court at any one time.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 22, sec. 425. 1860, Art. 21, sec. 336.
867. Whenever any person shall present to the collector of said county,
an order from the clerk of the circuit court for his attendance as a wit-
ness, he shall pay to such person, or his order, the amount due him, after
deducting therefrom all charges he may have against such witness.
*Sec. 5, ch. 19, 1924, repealed ch. 306, 1922, which authorized a similar loan, sub-
ject to referendum, vote.